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Empower student success through active parental support

Communication is key with parent and student engagement

Developing meaningful connections between teachers, parents, and students can often feel like an uphill battle. Avanti steps in to nurture these connections, offering helpful tools and insights created by teachers like you to ignite genuine parent engagement and collaboration.

We understand that collaborative efforts and meaningful engagement strategies in the classroom are critical to the educational experience for every child. With a variety of engaging video lessons, Avanti seeks to promote positive effects of parental involvement in the classroom by empowering parents, students, and teachers to come together as a cohesive team.  

Invite students to actively participate in their own learning journey, and watch how consistent parent engagement strategies go a long way.

Sign up for just $98/year

Get proven strategies

Mother engaging with her child

Strategies to increase parent and student engagement

Encounter practical tools designed to empower teachers in building meaningful relationships with both students and parents.

Each video helps teachers:

  • Understand students’ backgrounds and interests
  • Support individual student needs effectively
  • Encourage parental involvement with consistent communication
  • Enhance relationships with students and parents
  • Promote collaboration between teachers and families

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