In the short time since its launch, Avanti has made a lasting impact on educators, and we’re excited to share how far we’ve come. Avanti provides professional development that is... read more →
We know from educational researchers like John Hattie and Robert Marzano that collective teacher efficacy (CTE) is one of the most important factors in impacting student success. In other words,... read more →
If I could go back in time and give my new teacher self one piece of advice, it would be to simplify. Trust me when I say that I used... read more →
While traditional "sit-and-get" professional development events provide a lot of value, professional development technology can be a powerful supplement for teachers seeking to continuously improve. Using tech tools enables teachers... read more →
Research shows that teachers trust and prefer learning from other teachers. And as teachers are experts in their field, many schools are expanding staff development days to include teacher-led professional... read more →
A natural curiosity and lifelong love of learning will serve you well when exploring new teacher training ideas and professional development to improve your students’ learning outcomes. Ongoing self-improvement keeps... read more →
Teachers often cite their lifelong love for learning and desire to make a difference as top reasons for getting into teaching. Understanding that education doesn't stop after their degree, many... read more →
Teachers understand how different techniques or approaches with the same subject matter can affect a lesson's impact on students. The same is true when teachers become the students in their... read more →
Teachers know that learning is a lifelong endeavor. Especially in the field of education, there is always something new and exciting in the emerging research about brain development, pedagogical techniques,... read more →
Teachers of varying tenure often ask, “why is professional development important for teachers?” Learning doesn’t end when we obtain a degree and enter the world of work; it is an... read more →